Ellie Ribbens also known as JINX shows lots of signs of being an actual psychopath. She constantly lied to me & used me genuinely caring about her for almost 2 years to dishonestly get tens of thousands of pounds from me, she wasted my time & traumatised me then laughed at me and didn’t seem to show any remorse. I’m not the only person who’s had a bad experience with her.
Towards the start of our relationship she met another guy Trey Asby also known as sleek who she ended up in a relationship with and didn’t tell me about it making me think I’m still in a relationship with her while feeling pressured to support her financially as she would say she will starve and be homeless otherwise plus is very sick and might die needs medication etc plus Trey Asby said to me himself that they’re just friends and I later found out he had been getting roughly half of the money I was sending her. Once I found out Ellie Ribbens started laughing at me for it. During 2 years of being in a relationship with Ellie Ribbens most of which she was secretly in a relationship with Trey Asby she:
DISCLAIMER - All information here whether it’s about Ellie Ribbens or any other parts of what I’m sharing is 100% factual and is shown here with screenshots and/or is able to be proven in court if necessary therefore it is 100% legal to post publicly and I have checked with several lawyers. Additionally I believe it is within the public interest that my experience with Ellie Ribbens be shared as I believe she is causing harm to others possibly doing similar to what she did to me and in my opinion this is evident from how many people seem to have problems with her. I am open to talk to anyone who wants further information or has also had bad experiences with Ellie Ribbens that could potentially be added here and I’ve left a contact email at the end. Anything added would need to be provable that it’s true so this site can legally remain present.
The word “psychopath” I think culturally has connotations that make it come across as “cool” “badass” etc people use the word to describe other things but people who actually real psychopaths aren’t cool they don’t care about others and often cause a lot of suffering to people they come across. They’re not fun to be around and they hurt people in very real and bad ways.
Ellie Ribbens lies more than anyone I have ever met in my life and I don’t remember her one time doing or mentioning that she has done almost anything at all that’s nice for someone else without expecting something in return. While dating her for about 2 years there have been lots of times different people have attacked her or had a very hostile interaction even going to where she lives mentioning at least 6 different things like this in my time knowing Ellie Ribbens I don’t think it’s normal to have this many issues with so many different people. Even her own family members often stop talking to her for long periods of time. I believe she has no empathy whatsoever only ever acts on self interest and is also extremely manipulative and can be very good at lying and playing victim getting sympathy etc hence I am writing to warn people who might interact with her.
My name is Ryan Williams. I’ve left a contact email at the end if anyone wants to ask any questions or add any extra info etc. I have really extreme loyalty which often hurts me and try hard to see the good in people. I appreciate I was way too trusting here and have learnt from this.
Early on into dating Ellie Ribbens she made me feel like I need to support her financially as she would always tell me she will starve and be homeless if I don’t. She secretly had another boyfriend called Trey Asby also known as sleek who she was sharing the money with and it’s not just Ellie Ribbens who said they’re just friends but he said to me himself several times they’re just friends. When I eventually found out after 2 years it was all fake she started laughing at me for it. I believe it’s possible they could be doing this to others too as some kind of scheme.
She met him close to the beginning of our relationship when she moved to a new place he was also living at and instead of breaking up with me wanted to continue our relationship while I support her financially but became more distant telling me she can’t meet as she’s too sick often telling me she’s in hospital, we became less physically intimate and she stopped coming to my place etc because she’s “not been as confident since taking my meds and life seriously”.
While I was worried about her and trying to care about her plus waiting to start hanging out more again her telling me she urgently needs money for medication, taxis to hospital etc and I was believing us to be in a relationship she was telling me “I love you” almost every day, talking about getting married, having a family and kids even saying I better not be cheating on her meanwhile Ellie Ribbens herself was in a secret relationship. She would gaslight me and get really angry almost every time I ever got suspicious. As I said Trey Asby (sleek) even told me himself as well on the phone that they’re just friends and I’m her boyfriend on several occasions which made me feel like nothing was going on but I found out later she was sending him about half of the money so he must have been ok with her saying these things, us going on dates, kissing, her sending me sexual pictures and more. Also weird and creepy because I believe he was secretly in the background lots of times while I was on the phone to Ellie Ribbens. I never realised that someone could lie about things as deep as that for so long then show no empathy once I find out and actually laugh at me about it or that a so called man like Trey Asby aka “sleek” could be ok with his girlfriend having a pretend boyfriend including telling that guy that nothings going on to get money. Some of the people I’ve talked to about this have said to me she is basically being pimped out.
On top of Ellie Ribbens saying how she will starve and be homeless she would also call or message me telling me things like she can’t breathe and needs a taxi to hospital urgently, needs medication urgently, her electricity or phone is about to be cut off and in hindsight it seems obvious to me that she clearly used me genuinely caring about her and leveraged her illness (if she even actually has one) to get as much money as possible also started telling me she needs to model on webcam sites performing for men online if I didn’t send her what she was asking for shortly before the point we thankfully stopped talking.
I was obviously suspicious the whole time about Trey Asby but when I finally found conclusive evidence something was going on between him and Ellie Ribbens she first started gaslighting me telling me I’m deluded, I’m psycho (without a trace of irony) shouting at me same as almost every single other time I spotted suspicious stuff but then suddenly did a complete U turn and proceeded to show me photos showing they had been in a relationship for at least a year, then started laughing at me for it, then sent me a video showing he was in her room with her right then when she told me the whole time I can’t visit because only family are allowed in because it’s a council house for certain types of people with issues and there’s a reception etc, then started laughing at me more and telling me I’m dumb for falling for all of it. I didn’t send Ellie Ribbens any more money after this and yet shortly after I saw from social media she was still going to perform her music even travelling across the country for it and got her hair done so clearly wasn’t as short on money as she said. All while claiming benefits from the government.
Here is one of the times Trey Asby (sleek) tried to gaslight me into thinking they’re not in a relationship while also receiving lots of the money I was sending, he also said they’re not together several times on the phone and he even told me he’s basically gay at one point on the phone too which Ellie Ribbens mentioned a bunch of times when I was suspicious afterwards.
Most times I went to break up with her from being so suspicious about this guy Trey Asby or just generally being unhappy with her she would tell me she wants to make things work with us and most times I was more serious about it she would desperately try to get me to stay with her telling me how much she loves me how I’m her world her everything how she will change etc plus telling me she needs money for food or she will starve how she will be homeless so Ellie Ribbens gave me extra pressure to stay in a relationship which obviously turned out not to be true. I told her so many times if you’re cheating on me I prefer you’re just honest about it but she would gaslight me tell me I’m nuts and Trey Asby even said to me himself they’re not together. Meanwhile in a secret relationship sharing the money I’m sending.
It wasn’t obvious at all from their social media that they’re in a relationship. Was this done on purpose? Are they doing this to other people?
In around 2 years of us dating I treated her best I could while obviously having to set boundaries due to how she was treating me. I didn’t break up with her or judge her while she was sectioned at the start of our relationship, I visited her and waited for her to be released. I didn’t use her neglect her or gaslight her like she did to me, I never once physically hurt her, threatened to physically hurt her, I always helped her with money that she “needed or she will starve” no matter how angry I was, helped her with taxis and other stuff she needed for “emergencies” no matter what even when I was really short on money because I genuinely cared about her and didn’t realise there are people around who can lie about this kind of stuff. I didn’t cheat on her and didn’t give up on her until she showed me what had been going on the whole time and started laughing at me for it. We argued a lot but that was because Ellie Ribbens secretly had another boyfriend and was lying to me to get I believe basically as much money as possible for as long as possible while telling me she loves me and cares about me wants a future and a family with me plus gaslighting me so naturally arguments started from all this suspicious stuff and us not meeting very much, she would tell me shes too sick to meet and is seriously ill for long periods. I believe her and Trey Asby wanted to keep me in this situation for as long as possible plus may also be doing this to other people.
On the other hand Ellie Ribbens did all the things mentioned above, her and her boyfriend Trey Asby gaslighted me telling me I’m nuts and making up all these stories behind stuff I found that was suspicious and was miles more nasty to me verbally than me. For example one time I realised she had been telling me her phone bill was about double what it really was which she later admitted was true and this is how she reacted.
She also on quite a few occasions would swear on her sisters life something was true and it later turned out to be a lie. I don’t remember her ever swearing on her own life about anything.
I didn’t meet Ellie Ribbens very often after she initially met Trey Asby and she told me it’s because she is very sick, in hospital and later also said she is getting tests for cancer plus said she needed an operation with private healthcare for another different health issue she would be happy about me paying for and would result in us finally being able to hang out more.
She kept promising we will be able to hang out more in the future when she’s better even at one point calling me on the phone actually crying and saying “one day I’m gonna get better, and then we’re gonna be together”. I loved Ellie Ribbens, genuinely cared about her, I felt sorry for her being “so sick” and felt like I had responsibility to help her as she would starve and be homeless without me supporting her. However I found out later on she had been on trips with Trey Asby to Manchester and other places while telling me shes too sick to meet often saying she’s actually in hospital. As mentioned she told me in order to get better she needs private treatment as you can see below. She also mentioned this to my mum. Was she trying to see if my mum might pay?
Her instagram following is almost entirely from a post she made about one of the covid vaccines that went viral not from her music and I would say this is evident from how few likes she gets on her posts.
She also asked me towards the end whether I would do fraud for her to pay for this operation and when I didn’t say yes she shouted at me hung up the phone and claimed that I don’t care about her. Then she said that Trey Asby will do it for her but also said she’s doing it. I have reason to believe that him and Ellie Ribbens might be doing what they did to me and possibly other deceitful acts to others to get money from other unsuspecting people too which is why I felt it necessary to write this to protect other people who might be innocently looking for love or to start a family or perhaps something else and have unfortunately come across these two. I felt like she was troubled had a difficult upbringing but had a loving heart underneath it all and I have very extreme loyalty so I didn’t give up on her. But after she showed me she had been lying for all that time and laughed at me seeming to show no remorse I came to the conclusion that I believe there is almost no good in her possibly none whatsoever. Only self interest.
This is what came up on Google from typing in “signs of a psychopath”
If you have any questions or want to provide your own stories regarding Ellie Ribbens feel free to contact on - ellie.ribbens.info@gmail.com
Only true and provable information will be shared here so that this website is legal to keep up.
To Ellie Ribbens and Trey Asby,
Go and get a job.